A very attractive dance floor looking like a video screen and consisting of LED die-casting aluminum cabinets covered with tempered glass to make it waterproof and suitable for dancing. It just performs like a regular video wall or screen, but on the floor so you can step on it, clean it, as it’s waterproof, and resistant to wear and tear.
It works in conjunction with a control PC so you can display videos, pictures, text etc…on that floor screen. Data and power cables are integrated into each tile, and you just need to provide the power source (110-220V) and data input to one main tile. High brightness, easy to install and dismantle, durable and stable.
Supplied in in 500x500mm tiles and 3 resolutions: P3.9mm, 4.81mm, 6.25mm
Ideal for TV studios, exhibitions, shows, night clubs etc…


A very attractive stairs lighting system consisting of LED display modules (4 or 6mm pitch, in any dimensions in height and width) inserted between stairs steps. It performs like a regular video wall, as it’s just a normal screen in modules, and works in conjunction with a control PC so you can display videos, pictures, text etc…on the stairs. Data and power cables are integrated into each display, and you just need to provide the power source (110-220V)and data input to the first step. High bright, easy to install, and long life. Ideal for Shopping malls, high-end boutiques, TV studios, exhibitions, shows, night clubs etc…